MSDS Management


In Material Safety and Datasheet Management or MSDS there are quite a number aspects of handling in SAP

  • Creation of MSDS inside EH&S and
  • Storing already created MSDS in SAP
  • Creation & Storing and mailing the created reports to customers or
  • Creation and uploading the content in web for customers to access and download.

Main Content

V3 experts understands the client’s requirement by identifying queries and bringing out solution. The points we take into consideration are

  • What exactly is the requirement
  • About EH&S license
  • Current value proposition of EH&S in the existing landscape
  • Requirement is just for storing of MSDS or creation as well

To handle a MSDS in EH&S a minimum set of configuration is required. There is a link between material and specification needed to handle a MSDS in EH&S. Normally some identifiers are required to describe a little bit the specifications. V3 experts helps our client in preparing document management system to handle the MSDS and further EH&S customizing is required. As a "profit" (depending on the SAP Release) a number of further EH&S functionalities are available which could be of interest. (Which need not to be configured but they are still there)


A material safety data sheet (MSDS), safety data sheet (SDS), or product safety data sheet (PSDS) is an important component of product stewardship and occupational safety and health. It is intended to provide workers and emergency personnel with procedures for handling or working with that substance in a safe manner. V3 experts can provide customize and ultimate solution in MSDS formats which can vary from source to source within a country depending on national requirements.