Hazardous Substance Management


Hazardous Substance Management is the basis for everything in EHS Management, No HSM-No EHSM . The work areas of IH will be linked to substances which enables the safe handling and tracking of hazardous substance in the location throughout your enterprise. Exposure logs, safety Operational Procedures and Communication of safety measures are the main ingredients under HSM application.

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Enterprises are required to maintain hazardous substances register listing all the hazardous substance they use and provide details of quantities. SAP EHS provides a HSM register with a wide range of functions.

V3 experts helps companies to identify alternative substance through this application. This in result allows the companies to minimize the quantity of hazardous substances it has to procure and reduce the number of different substance utilized.

V3 experts supports on providing convenient management and easy updating of data sheets under HSM. As a solutions provider through SAP HSM, V3 experts allows hazardous substances to seamlessly tracked and documented as they make their way to the organization.

HSM enables the users to create new substance in a fast and simple manner in the system. It also describes all properties known such as Decomposition, Physicochemical properties, labelling, toxicological values and mentions the literature references.


HSM is a specific use of IH with product safety concerning hazardous substance. If in your organization, employees are required to work using hazardous substance then look no further, V3 experts are there to measure and provide expert advices on monitoring, analyzing, reporting and provide statistical data for future reference.